Quartz Romolo


Birth name: Quartz Crowley
First name: Derived from the name of one of the commonest minerals. Pronounced KWAWRTS.
Last names:

  • Romolo: Means "of Rome" in Latin.


Birth date:
Race: Human
Mother: Trajedie (Remourna) Crowley
Father: Adam Crowley
Maternal grandparents: Quartz & Ruby Remourna
Paternal grandparents: Daniel McMurran/John (adoptive) & Jessica Crowley
Aunts & Uncles:

Cousins: Aidae, Vladimer, Andre, Oriel, Tiana, Aria, Wynne, and Atticus (from Elijah); Aldan, Macy, Mathias, Rubean, Emerick, Dion, Isis, Cordell, Andreas, Homad, Magda, Carter, Cedric, Liam, Muriel, and Houston (from Celena); Renee, Junia, and Katen (from Feemerson); Ariel (from Rosemary); Victor and Lilavati (from Danielle); Marietta, Thaddeus, Michael, Chloe, Alexander, and Madison (from Noah); Abaddon, Azriel, Astaroth, Lilith, Samael, Mephistopheles, Asmodeus, Jezebel, Allocen, Lerajie, Vual, Solas, and Mastema (from Asher); Elliot (from Cherie); Lilly (from Josephine); Eros (from Joseph); James (from Caleb); Eileen (from Lenore); Amelia (from Judah)
Siblings: Jericho, Petra, Everette, Evan, and Jeanette
Birth place: The Kingdom of Atlantis
Husband: David Romolo


Career: Teacher