24 September 2037
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Nicholas Romolo Trajedie Remourna Joel Marsetti Daniel McMurran John Crowley Adam Crowley Fate Thanasi Reium Feemerson Crowley Clive Arwell Deidre Jones Darrel Lexington Ivy Akasama Renasi Reium

Nick: Miss Remorena…
Traj: Yes, Dr. Romolo?
Nick: Looking at a sheet of paper. It says here your last name's… Re-mourn-ah.
Traj: …Ah… It's… pronounced Re-mor-en-a…
Nick: …Where does the 'e' between the r and n come from?
Traj: Um… Sighs. It's Re-mourn-ah.
Nick: …Why did you say it was Remorena?
Traj: You try being called, 'Trajedie Remourna'. Frowning at the ground.
Nick: What is it? Irish or something? French?
Traj: It's embarrassing.
Nick: Laughs.
Traj: Flushes. I'm glad you think it's funny… Is there anything else for me to do or can I go now?
Nick: Sheesh. I was wondering, Trajedie…
Traj: What?
Nick: Are you planning on becoming a doctor?
Traj: It's something I've been considering.
Nick: Well I've been considering you taking an apprenticeship under Joel. If he agrees to it, of course.
Traj: Oh… Well… I'm sure I could learn a lot from you and Joel.
Nick: …But?
Traj: …Well… but nothing, really… If Joel agrees, I would like too.
Nick: Good… You're a smart girl.
Traj: …Thank you.
Nick: And Joel's a lot nicer than me.
Traj: …I kind of thought neither of you really liked me.
Nick: How could we not like the girl who cleans the bed pans for us?
Traj: Sighs. …Yeah. Seemed like you needed a custodian more than a nurse.
Nick: Laughs. …That is a good idea.
Traj: Don't see why you'd bother. You still have me to do it. Quite unhappily said.
Nick: Oh aren't we gloomy? Actually, I'll be leaving next week, so Joel is going to be needing more help around here.
Traj: Number of bedpans isn't going to change in your absence.
Nick: We did actually have an applicant for a second nurse.
Traj: Needed the windows washed, too?
Nick: Laughs.
Traj: Already has her 'back up' due to her name being brought up. A sensitive subject to her. More frowning.
Nick: If you hate your degrading job so much and Joel and I are such big meanies to you, why don't you quit? Or are you just staying around for Adam?
Traj: Because I want to be a nurse and eventually a doctor. If I have to pay my dues by cleaning bedpans and putting up with you two constantly teasing me, then I will.
Nick: Like I said, I'll be gone next week, so there should be less teasing unless the new Elf girl isn't very pleasant.
Traj: Then when you get back, I can deal with the surplus again.
Nick: Fear not. That won't be for awhile.
Traj: Taking a vacation?
Nick: No, unfortunately.
Traj: Someone in your family sick?
Nick: That would be me, I suppose.
Traj: …You're sick?
Nick: Nods and sips tea.
Traj: Sick with what…?
Nick: I have a brain tumor.
Traj: Oh God… I'm sorry…
Nick: It's fine.
Traj: I don't see how… I mean, assuming you're getting surgery, it's risky…
Nick: Well yes, so if you're really lucky, you may never see me again. Smiles. Heh… Sips tea.
Traj: Th…That's an awful thing to say!
Nick: Laughs.
Traj: You may have teased me but I certainly didn't hope for something like this to happen!
Nick: I should hope not or else I'd suspect you of being a witch.
Traj: And I hope you make a full recovery too.
Nick: Well, thank you, Ms. Remorena. A non-sarcastic smile for once.
Traj: If there's anything I can do for you before you leave, please ask. You should be resting.
Nick: I'm fine… Where is Joel, anyway?
Traj: You sound like John and he said he was stepping out for awhile. He should be back soon.
Nick: Shrugs. Shouldn't you say, "Mr. Crowley?" Can't be too familiar with one's future father-in-law, you know.
Traj: If you wanted to get technical, I should be calling him 'Sir' Crowley or John… Whichever.
Nick: I suppose. He got promoted to Captain of the Guards yesterday.
Traj: Good for him.
Nick: Mmm. I guess you were wanting to leave, weren't you? Alright then, you're dismissed.
Traj: Thank you… and I really do hope you make a full recovery, Ni…Dr. Romolo.
Nick: Thank you again, Miss Remorena. If you see Joel, ask him what he's doing.
Traj: I will. When he gets up here, you should rest.
Nick: Yes Dr. Remorena.
Traj: …Has a good ring to it at least. Laughs a tiny bit and bows. Good night.
Nick: Hm. Good night.
Traj: She leaves!
Nick: Sips tea.
Joel: Not soon after, enters.
Nick: Where were you?
Joel: Oh, I was doing follow-up on a patient.
Nick: Oh… Which one?
Joel: Mr. Crowley
Nick: How was he?
Joel: He's doing well enough, considering his age.
Nick: Oh… Mr. Crowley, Sr.
Joel: Nods. Indeed. Sorry for not distinguishing.
Nick: Yawns. S'fine. Pours Joel some tea.
Joel: Thank you. Takes the cup and sips. He took the news that he will most likely need that wheelchair for the rest of his days quite well, really.
Nick: What's the matter with his knees? Arthritis?
Joel: Nods. Severe. Not to mention, that it seems like one of them had been fractured and was not attended to.
Nick: That's not good. Will he need surgery?
Joel: That is something I am going to decide tomorrow. I want to get him a second opinion.
Nick: Nods. I see… Shakes himself awake. Mm. Trajedie said she'd like to apprentice under you.
Joel: Ah, so you've put your devious plan into action, I see.
Nick: Smiles. But of course. I do hope you'll be hiring… La… French Elf woman… as well. Trajedie says she's disenchanted with cleaning bed pans.
Joel: Oh?
Nick: Mm-hm. Suggested hiring a janitor.
Joel: …That may not be such a bad idea. Don't see any pretty women in that department though.
Nick: Oh well.
Joel: Still unsure about Fay Le'voures though. I would rather not feel like I'm replacing you until I was sure that you wouldn't be back.
Nick: No one's replacing me. This infirmary has been seriously understaffed for years.
Joel: That is true. I think we've managed quite well, all things considered.
Nick: We have but we could do better jobs without having to worry about cleaning up human excrement.
Joel: I thought that is why we hired Trajedie.
Nick: Sighs.
Joel: Though considering that she is going to be my apprentice, I suppose we'll have to hire someone else for that.
Nick: Then hire Morgan le Fay as a nurse and have her clean bedpans.
Joel: Fay Le'Voures and I'll consider it. I'll be honest, I was going to hire her more for her aesthetic appeal than any of her real ability, but now that you mention our under-staffing I should be looking for more qualified applicants.
Nick: Nods. I'm sure you'll get along just fine without me, Joel… You'll just be drinking really bad tea.
Joel: Bad tea makes a good day okay and a bad day worse.
Nick: Then you'll just have to buy it pre-made. Rubs his eyes beneath his glasses.
Joel: You're tired. Go to sleep. I can handle things around here.
Nick: Mm. Looks at the clock. If I go home now, Mother will still be up.
Joel: Then there's a free bed right over there for you.
Nick: She's been on my case especially lately…
Joel: About what, if I need to even ask.
Nick: Nearly everything… Not leaving her with any grand kids, primarily.
Joel: Well, that is why I wanted to hire Fay and she's talking as if you're in your grave already.
Nick: Well, I very well may be, for all we know.
Joel: Don't talk like that. You're going to be just fine. Sips his tea.
Nick: Heh. How do you know?
Joel: I guess I don't know, but I have a feeling.
Nick: Rolls his eyes. She says I'm very irresponsible for letting this happen. Laughs and sips his tea.
Joel: Laughs. As if you'd gone out and caught it from a bad woman on the street corner.
Nick: Maybe all that one percent milk I've drunk.
Joel: Stuff'll kill you. Sips more of his tea.
Nick: Laughs and drains his teacup.
Joel: Anyhow, all I suppose I am saying is that I do not want Lil' Nicky to be shuffling off this mortal coil anytime soon.
Nick: I really will if you keep calling me Lil' Nicky.
Joel: It was just fine 20 years ago. Well… actually, I wouldn't doubt it if you hated it then too. Laughs.
Nick: Yeah… I wouldn't wonder. Rubs his temple.
Joel: Eh… I watched you grow up, so when I see you, I always see Lil' Nicky.
Nick: Right. Going to bed now. Stands up.
Joel: Works every time. Finishes his tea.
Nick: Cousin Joely… Grumbles and to bed he goes.
Joel: Laughs.

Daniel: Well hey there, John.
John: Hello Daniel.
Daniel: Sorry… Sir John.
John: No need for formalities.
Daniel: Captain of the Guards then, eh?
John: That's right.
Daniel: Congratulations. Got to shake the regent's hand. What an honor.
John: It certainly was.
Daniel: I hope you're being sarcastic.
John: I'm not. Drop the act.
Daniel: You mean it was truly an honor shaking your son's hand?
John: Functionally, yes.
Daniel: Well… Well, I can't say you ever changed his diapers.
John: I don't think Jessica would have trusted me with that.
Daniel: Probably be glad to hand over the job.
John: Changed enough when we had the twins anyhow.
Daniel: Oh God. Glad I never had twins.
John: Regarding 'Sir' John, I don't really even feel I've earned a promotion, but I wasn't about to embarrass Adam by declining at the ceremony.
Daniel: You could have always done it privately beforehand. Why don't you think you deserve the honor?
John: I've done nothing to earn it.
Daniel: I wouldn't say so.
John: Why?
Daniel: Well, you did a lot the past week. You saved Fate. You made tough decisions to do so. You took part in important political discussions and served as proxy for Jessica and Adam and did so well. You kept your head straight on your shoulders through most of it… At least so much that any reasonable human may be able to. It may not have been the smartest, but you stood up to an Elemental and held your own. You were later able to show humility in admitting you were wrong. At least, I would have looked at that resume and came to the same conclusion as Adam.
John: I don't see how that makes me any more qualified for Captain of the Guards though. Perhaps all of that is impressive, but I fail to see how it earns me that title.
Daniel: Groans. Do I have to spell it out for you? Making tough decisions, participation in political discussions, and serving as proxy displays your capabilities as a leader and with diplomacy. Keeping your head on your shoulders means you can keep your cool and remain rational in the face of adversity. Standing up to Quint was bravery and because you did it for someone other than yourself, it was also selfless. Humility prevents overconfidence and means you're willing to learn from your mistakes.
John: I see.
Daniel: All good qualities for a Captain of the Guards but if you really don't think you're up to it, you can always talk to Adam privately.
John: I see.
Daniel: What's the matter, John?
John: Just a lot on my mind.
Daniel: Like what?
John: Vladimer, Elijah, Nathaniel, Adam, Jessica, Price, war, stratagem, education, Rosemary, Danielle, Aidae, training, practice, Disney Land, Father.
Daniel: Sighs. I thought Adam was a closed case.
John: He mostly is. I just want to get to know his girlfriend a bit more. Make sure she's not trouble.
Daniel: Laughs. Man… I think you're going to have to trust Adam on this one… She's just a weird Gothic Lolita girl. You're worrying needlessly.
John: It's not something I'm really worried about, truth be told. I just think that I should get to know the girl Adam is seriously seeing.
Daniel: Mumbles. Havingsexwith… Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be a bad thing.
John: What was that?
Daniel: Having. Sex. With.
John: He is an adult.
Daniel: He's probably not using protection.
John: I have faith that he is. He's smarter than that.
Daniel: One time… I choked on a Sweetheart.
John: What'd it say?
Daniel: …I don't know.
John: 'You leave me breathless.'
Daniel: Laughs.
John: I hate saying this but I'm at my best when I'm at my worst. Ha.
Daniel: Um… Okay. So why're you worried about Li-Li?
John: I am.
Daniel: Why?
John: I punched him in the face.
Daniel: Laughs. So?
John: Not really. I am worried about him because of everything that has transpired.
Daniel: Elijah's a trooper.
John: True. Not to mention that part of his soul was taken away or more specifically, your soul.
Daniel: Might not've been so good for him.
John: Considering what happened to Nathaniel. Apparently Fate didn't think that it would matter, what with him being inhuman.
Daniel: Shrugs. If worse comes to worse, Adam can always give him some. Then Adam'll be stuck here 'til doomsday.
John: I could.
Daniel: Only Risers can do that little number. Sorry. High Risers, actually.
John: I love how useful I am.
Daniel: If you did it, you wouldn't be any better than Nathan-pants.
John: Not much of a change.
Daniel: Ha. If not remembering your kids or wife or any of your good times with them or your first grade education is your cup o' tea.
John: It's not. Speaking of which, I have to see if I can at least get Nathaniel started, as far as education goes.
Daniel: You yourself? Or are you sending him somewhere?
John: Myself.
Daniel: Are you good at teaching?
John: Guess I'll find out.
Daniel: I guess it'd be kinda silly for a 15-year-old to be sitting with a bunch of six-year-olds in school.
John: Indeed. Given the resources, I believe I can at least get him up to speed on some things. If he's kept his intelligence, then he hopefully will learn fast. I also have to keep a close eye on Jessica's health… Make sure she doesn't press herself too hard. I don't think she could handle miscarrying. Not to mention keeping up with my studies and my practices and my training in the magical and martial aspects, as much good as that is going to do me.
Daniel: Oh whine, boohoo, I'm not good enough, even though I just got promoted to Captain of the Guards but I didn't deserve it, so what the fuck Adam? It's not like you're an intelligent and objective young man or anything.
John: Raises an eyebrow. Don't be an idiot. I am keeping at my training and practicing because I am not resting on my laurels. I've been given the promotion, so I'm going to keep giving my job all that I can give.
Daniel: Well you were all like, "I'll keep practicing, but I won't be getting any better 'cause I suck."
John: I've always kept improving. I'm just saying, that it doesn't matter, due to the fact that my martial and magical abilities aren't much of a factor.
Daniel: Mm-kay… I wonder if Nathaniel will call Gabriel 'Mom' now?
John: You can think on that.
Daniel: 'Cause I'm gonna be makin' sure I have a heart attack in a couple of years trying to fix everyone's problems for them.
John: I don't see how you're going to do that. You're dead.
Daniel: Sighs.
John: Sarcasm certainly is lovely. I have work to do.
Daniel: I hate you and you're going to have a heart attack and die.
John: As I said, I hate to admit it, but I'm at my best when I'm at my worst.
Daniel: No you're not. You're high strung.
John: Why do you say that?
Daniel: Because you are. Go take that trip to Disney World and get your priorities straight.
John: My priorities are straight. They start with my family.
Daniel: Yeah, but… Never mind. Good-bye, Mr. Stroke.
John: It's touching… It really is.
Daniel: I'm sure.
John: I really do appreciate it, Daniel. That you care enough about me to be concerned.
Daniel: Yeah, I worry over you like a mother hen while you worry about everyone else.
John: I never would have guessed that I would turn out to be like this. Steps on over and hugs Daniel.
Daniel: Hugs. Make sure to worry about whether I'm taking my vitamins or not. That's very important.
John: You better be flossing, too.
Daniel: Grins, showing John his pearly whites.
John: Impressive. Don't take candy from strangers, either.
Daniel: Oh, it's difficult to resist. In their big white vans. So gleaming in the sunlight.
John: Those are death vans and they will kill you.
Daniel: They look so friendly.
John: Kill you. Stay away from the death vans!
Daniel: I-I'll try Daddy.
John: Alright, sport. Eat your veggies too.
Daniel: Yes Papa
John: Laughs.
Daniel: Pinches John for him.
John: Why'd you do that? Pinches him back.
Daniel: Oh my God. Ooow. How could you do that?!
John: Keep it up and I'll put you in a headlock.
Daniel: Oh no. Oh God. Don't do that.
John: Heh… Alright, Dan.
Daniel: Don't throw me in the briar patch, Br'er Fox.
John: I'll stave off the insidious urge to save the whole world tonight.
Daniel: 'Kay thanks. Have sex with your wife or something fun like that.
John: Something I have to do before that, if Adam is capable.
Daniel: Okay… See you.
John: See you. Pinches his cheeks. Remember. No death vans.
Daniel: Yes, yes… I'll resist the urge.
John: Heh. Oh… Just to ask… You know that Jessica may live past two years… right?
Daniel: Um… Yes.
John: Just making sure you were tuning in.
Daniel: Gooo alreaaady.
John: My guardian angel slash voyeur.
Daniel: Sighs.
John: Now you want me to leave?
Daniel: Yes! Good-bye J.N.
John: Why?
Daniel: Because this good-bye is dragging on for hours.
John: Fine then. I'm sorry that I like talking with you.
Daniel: I'll never forgive you for it.
John: You're so cute when you're angry.
Daniel: I know.
John: Does indeed awaken.

Adam: Laying on his bed with a book open. …Hey… How about this…
Traj: Looks to him to continue.
Adam: You give me a book you've read and I give you one I've read… Then, after we finish them, we can talk about them.
Traj: Okay! …Um… Do plays count or just novels?
Adam: I don't see why plays couldn't count. Smiles.
Traj: Brightens even more at that. Alright then! …Oh… Adam, I'm not sure how often we can see each other soon. Frowns.
Adam: Hm? Cocks his head to the side a bit. How come?
Traj: That depends on how Joel feels about apprenticing me.
Adam: An apprenticeship? Are you thinking of becoming a doctor?
Traj: Nods. It's something I've considered… and now that I have the chance at it, I'm not going to let it slip by.
Adam: Nods! You absolutely shouldn't! Smiles. I think you'll be a great doctor.
Traj: …You really think so? Smiles.
Adam: Of course. Smiles. You're smart and compassionate and hard-working… I think you can succeed at anything you set your mind to.
Traj: You're too kind…
Adam: Well… I hope you don't think I'm just saying it to be kind… I'm being honest.
Traj: I know… but it's still very thoughtful of you to say that… It means a lot, coming from you, because you wouldn't just say it to be nice.
Adam: Smiles at her, looking her in the eyes quite lovingly.
Traj: Gazes right back to his, smiling lovingly to him in return.
Adam: Laughs. Where've you been all my life?
Traj: …Waiting for you, it feels like.
Adam: This makes him go quite red.
Traj: …And I'm saying it because I mean it, too…
Adam: In response, sits up on his bed and holds his arms out to her.
Traj: Into his arms quite happily.
Adam: Pulls her onto his lap, holding her close, lovingly.
Traj: Snuggles up to him, stroking his cheek with a free hand.
Adam: Thank you, Trajedie… I really am… Extraordinarily lucky.
Traj: I feel lucky to have you too… I almost feel like I'm in a dream when I'm with you… and I just hope that I don't wake up from it.
Adam: I… I want you with me… always… I-I-I mean… not always… You have a life and everything… I just want to be together… um… I know we already are… I'm not making much sense.
Traj: Just seems more endeared by this. Adam… I know what you mean… I want to be with you too… and I know that you have a life too, so we can't always be together… but you're on my mind always.
Adam: Blushes but smiles, glad she understood what he meant. Strokes her hair affectionately.
Traj: Closes her eyes and looks rather content and rosy on the cheeks. You're too good to be true… but here you are.
Adam: Oh, that's a kissing face. Does indeed kiss her gently.
Door: Knocking.
Adam: Thankfully doesn't feel like he's doing something wrong kissing her anymore, so parts their lips gently and helps her off his lap.
Traj: Settles down next to him with his help, looking to the door curiously, wondering who decided to ruin their moment.
Adam: Coming… Opens the door.
John: There he is. Hello, Adam.
Adam: Blinks. Hello Father. What can I do for you?
John: A favor, if you can.
Adam: Yes?
John: If you could step into the hall. Steps back, so he can do so.
Adam: Blinks and looks back at Trajedie… Nods to her a bit, then to his father and leaves the room.

John: Pulls the door shut behind him. …Put shortly, I was wondering if you are able to consciously summon.
Adam: Consciously…? I've never tried it before…
John: I see… You've done so unconsciously, I know that.
Adam: Nods. …Why?
John: If it were possible, I would like words with Fate.
Adam: …I could try…
John: If you have any doubts to your safety, you don't have to…
Adam: I don't think it'd hurt to try.
John: Then whenever you wish is a good time for me.
Adam: …Now is as good a time as ever… Is it urgent?
John: It isn't. Though it is something that needs to be done, I would say.
Adam: Shrugs. …I'll try… Takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
John: Nods.
Adam: Does his best to calm himself and clear his mind… Okay… Thinks of the Book of Fate… It's shape… color… texture… how it feels in his hands… the weight of it… the crispness of it's pages, until it feels so real in his mind… in his hands. Eyes still closed, opens the book, which appeared in his hands. Eyes open and go blank.
John: Just waits, seeing the book and his eyes go blank. He recognizes those steps, at least.
Fate: Appears presently between the two men.
John: Bows. Fate. Greetings.
Fate: …John Crowley… Thank you for recovering my soul. I am indebted to you.
John: I only did what was requested. It was a pleasure to assist you.
Fate: Smiles. Is there someone you wish to see?
John: You are the one that I wish to see.
Fate: How can I help you?
John: I wanted to apologize.
Fate: Blinks. For what?
John: For how I treated your parents when they were here to assist. What I did was despicable and while I do not expect forgiveness, I still offer my sincerest apologies.
Fate: I am not entirely certain of what you speak of but I will be sure to pass your apology along to my parents. I'm sure they will appreciate it and find forgiveness in their hearts.
John: It's in your rights to know what I did, if you wish to hear it.
Fate: It does not matter. What matters, is that you were brave enough to ask for forgiveness and admit you were wrong.
John: My apology extends to you as well.
Fate: You are forgiven, John… I do not wish to hold hatred in my heart. I owe you much.
John: I hope I can be aspire to do so as well.
Fate: Your lives are too short to do so. They are also too short to dwell too much over wrongs committed. Learn from them and move on.
John: It is hard to do so in practice, but I will try.
Fate: Nods.
John: I've already taken too much of your time. Thank you for hearing me out.
Fate: It was my pleasure… Me or any of my reincarnations will be there for you, if need be.
John: And I will be there for them, if need be.
Fate: I know. Good-bye John Nathan Crowley.

Thanasi: Enters the practice room.
Feemy: Doesn't notice at the moment. Eyes are closed and is looking to the ground anyhow.
Thanasi: Slinks in the shadows. Doesn't want to interrupt anything.
Clive: Some hot chick is here though. Cool. Stops. Hey there. Smirks.
Thanasi: Looks around to make sure he was talking to her.
Clive: Come to see us in person, eh?
Thanasi: …Salut… Ai 'ope Ai am not intairrupteng anytheng.
Feemy: Eyes snap open at that and he looks up. Thanasi! Oh, he doesn't look so well.
Clive: Not a thing. Giving her a look she probably recognizes from long ago.
Dee: Stops, since those two did and resumes dragging on her cigarette.
Thanasi: 'Allo Feemy… Eet eez nice to see you again. Steps into the light.
Feemy: Sets down his instrument and to Thanasi he goes.
Clive: She's much hotter in the light.
Feemy: How have you been? Lost weight, some dark rings under his eyes. Smiling at least and not wasting nearly as bad as Ren had been.
Thanasi: Hugs him. You do not look zo good, Feemy.
Feemy: Hugs back. I'm alright, Thana… Just been practicing a whole lot for the upcoming concert.
Thanasi: Non… You must come wiv me, oui?
Feemy: What? …Why? Sounds frightened when he asks.
Thanasi: Ren eez not doeng zo well, but you do not look well eivair.
Feemy: Ren… Does he need me…? He's not… Can't manage to ask if he's dying.
Thanasi: Pinches Feemy's cheeks. He eez vairy eehl. Ai think you need 'im.
Feemy: I'll be alright… it's… well… He would hate me if I left… but…
Clive: I would too. More.
Thanasi: You both need each othair. Eet eez ze powair of love.
Clive: …Give me a fuckin' break. You're not actually askin' him to ditch before our big gig.
Thanasi: Eet eez alright, young man. Ai brought Renasi wiv me.
Clive: That's fantastic. Without any enthusiasm.
Feemy: R…Ren's here? Where?
Thanasi: Een an inn, wiv mon brothair Ivy, who eez takeng care of 'im. Ai figured zat 'e would not get bettair wivoot you because 'is 'airt would be broken and zat eez zumtheng a doctair cannot men but a lovair can!
Dee: Smirks.
Darrel: Ah, c'mon. Just let'em go to his fiancee.
Feemy: Nods in agreement. Love birds wither without the other's presence…
Thanasi: He would not agree to me writeng you to tell you to come to Elf Haven because 'e said yur musical careair was most impairtent. Ai did not want a dead son, zo ai brought 'im haire whaire 'e wheel 'opeful-lee recovair.
Feemy: That's like him… He always wants to put me before him…
Clive: Auuugh. Just fuckin' go then! Sheesh, you're prattlin' on like you do when you're drunk.
Thanasi: Frowns. Feeeemy.
Feemy: Stares at the floor.
Thanasi: Ai weehl tell yur maman.
Feemy: …Please don't do that.
Clive: What the hell is a, 'mahman' anyhow?
Thanasi: Frowns at Clive. You are a foul-moothed young man. Huld yur tongue and respect yur eldairs.
Clive: Yeah, yeah. Could ya make sure that little Feemz there doesn' stay too long? We're still practicin' and we'd rather not fuck up our big shot.
Thanasi: Would you lik mon foot up yur ass, non?
Clive: Sounds pretty hot, but that's Feemz's gig, not mine.
Thanasi: Up on stage she goes!
Clive: Doesn't seem very worried. Face actually does look like someone who has been through quite a beating in his time.
Feemy: Not gonna stop her.
Dee: Me neither.
Darrel: No complaints here.
Thanasi: Right up in his face. Do you went to sai zat again?
Clive: Sounds hot, but things up the ass is Feemz's gig.
Thanasi: Slaps him.
Clive: Face turns with the slap, but turns back to face her again. Sounds hot, but things up the ass is also Renny's gig.
Thanasi: You should be ashamed of yurself.
Clive: We done?
Thanasi: Ai am sairry fair whatevair you suffaired zat turned you into such a lit-tell beast. Hops down off the stage.
Clive: Come backstage after you're done carting off the boy and I can show ya that I'm not little.
Feemy: Fuck off Clive.
Darrel: Yeah, man… Really. You need to do that crap?
Thanasi: Looks pointedly down at his crotch and does not look impressed. …Feemy, you should continue practice. Ai wheel give you le addrez to la inn.
Clive: Notices the look and begins to undo his belt.
Feemy: …I want to see him now, though…
Thanasi: Pats Feemy's cheek. Have patience… You weehl see 'im soon. If Renasi thinks yur band eez zo impairtent, zen ai do too.
Feemy: Quietly. …Please? I need to see him…
Thanasi: How much longair eez yur practice?
Feemy: Too much longer.
Thanasi: How much longair?
Feemy: Three hours.
Thanasi: Zat eez a long time… When do you sleep?
Feemy: Shrugs his shoulders a bit and laughs. …I don't know if I've slept yet… Days are kind of running together.
Thanasi: Feemy… Ai weehl tell yur maman.
Feemy: Sighs. …Go ahead… I'll see Ren later…
Thanasi: You're a sweet boy, Feemy. Ai weehl be proud to 'ave you as a son-in-law. Looks over at Clive.
Clive: Tapping his foot. Done yet?
Thanasi: Oui. Keep eet een yur pents.
Clive: Only until you ask me not to. Winks. Motivate it, Feemz. We still have ground to cover… or else I'll tell your maman. Smirks.
Thanasi: Keep eet… Shows him her pinkie. Een yur pents. Merci.
Clive: Raises an eyebrow. Then stop starin' at my crotch. Ya gettin' the fuck out already or are you waitin' for me to invite you back again?
Thanasi: Hm. Turns her head up, flicks her hair back, and leaves… ears down, betraying her.
Feemy: Mutters and gets back to his spot, staring a hole in the floor all the while.
Clive: I'm smooth. Need a hug, Feemz? Dee over there will give you a hug and make it all better. Smirks. Maybe it's not your mom… Dee, if you would.
Dee: Shrugs and indeed sets aside her instrument and walks to him. Reaches out to hug him.
Feemy: Don't touch me! I'm… so sick of all of you!
Clive: Well, Darrel could hug you… Since you prefer men.
Feemy: Laughs. You know what? I quit.
Clive: …Wut?
Feemy: I quit! Feels nice! I quit and I hope I never see your face again.
Clive: You can't quit!
Feemy: Laughing way too much. Oh, yes I can! Watch me now, I'm quitting! Hops off the stage. Looks very much like I'm quitting!
Clive: Get back on stage. Practice isn't over.
Feemy: Practice is over for me! More laughter!
Clive: Also hops off the stage and grabs Feemy by the shirt. If you don't get back on stage right now…
Darrel: Stands as well, at this point. Hey, knock that off.
Clive: Shaddup Darrel.
Feemy: What'll you do? Hit me? Pftt… hehhahahah! Laughing more. You… heheh… You really think… heheh… you're a badass! Hahah!
Clive: Stop your fuckin' laughing!
Feemy: Just causes him to laugh more. Getting a little hard to breathe. Heheh… O…okay… I'll go back on stage… Climbs back on it. Nervous breakdown commencing.
Clive: That's more like it. Gets back up as well. From the top.
Feemy: Stress, no sleep… no food, no breaks, no Ren, too much practice, verbal abuse. Well, what do you know? I quit again!
Clive: Red in the face now. Say. That. Again. I dare ya.
Thanasi: Enters the practice room again, having forgotten to actually give Feemy the address to the inn.
Feemy: I qui-
Clive: Just in time to see us fly off the stage, woo! Tackled someone bigger than him.
Feemy: Upon landing, there is an audible 'snap' or 'crunch' and then… Lots and lots of screaming. Landed on his side and now just screaming on the ground in obvious pain.
Thanasi: Rushes over to pull Clive off Feemy.
Clive: Easily pulled off, as he's just shocked at the screaming. Didn't think it'd hurt him that much.
Thanasi: Forcefully shoves Clive to the side and to the ground she goes. Feemy? Are you alright?
Feemy: Curling up slightly, not mustering much of a reply. Nngh…
Thanasi: I-I-I weehl get Ivy, alright?
Feemy: Sits up a little and stares at something on the ground in horror. Reaches for where one of his horns should be growing out and finds that a large part of it is, as he suspected, on the ground.
Thanasi: Well that's odd! Stai down Feemy, alright? Ai wheel get Ivy, alright?
Feemy: Not in any position to stand up anyway. The horn itself hurts and the area of the pain is just sending it right into his head too. Just curls up more.
Thanasi: That's gonna make your head a bit… unbalanced. Takes off her boots and runs, fleet-footed!
Clive: Picks up the snapped off part of the horn. Huh. So they weren' fake.
Feemy: Worst headache ever.
Clive: Looks like the damn thing snapped in half… Sorry 'bout that.
Darrel: Up from his seat he goes and to Feemy's side he kneels. Hey man. Just hang tight… That… friend of yours is getting… another friend… of hers. So… yeah.
Feemy: Your attempts at comforting are appreciated but I would prefer if no noise at all was made.
Dee: …Our band is screwed. Good one.
Thanasi: Soon back, dragging along Ivy, both holding their sides. Maybe shouldn't have full-on sprinted.
Darrel: See? They're here already.
Feemy: Ngn… just… shut up… Sorry, man.
Thanasi & Ivy: Panting.
Darrel: Oh… sorry. Steps away.
Ivy: Tries to keep his voice soft. What… Swallows. …happened?
Dee: Tunes her bass and puffs out a plume of smoke. Douche-bag tackled him off stage and busted one of his horns.
Ivy: Is that all that's busted?
Dee: Shrugs.
Ivy: Goes to Feemy. Softly. Can you tell me where you hurt?
Feemy: H…Head…
Ivy: Is that it? Do your ribs hurt?
Feemy: …A little.
Ivy: Can you sit up?
Feemy: Tries to, but clutches the side of his head and curls back down. Seems so much as moving it causes pain.
Ivy: …Do you feel dizzy?
Feemy: Begins to nod, but winces and clutches where the horn broke off. Yes.
Ivy: …We can't leave you here all night… I may be able to do some healing if you can just roll onto your other side, alright?
Feemy: Alright… While he writhes in doing so, he eventually does roll onto his other side.
Ivy: Looks at the damage done!
Feemy: Three ribs are broken.
Clive: Still holding the 3/4ths of the horn that broke off.
Ivy: We need to get him back to the inn. Are any of you fine young men willing to help me?
Darrel: Sure.
Clive: Pockets the horn. Yeah.
Ivy: Leans over Feemy, so he's got his shoulders. I want you to lift at the exact same time I do, alright?
Clive & Darrel: Nod, one taking more a hold near his waist, while the other grabs the legs.
Dee: Sets down her instrument and over she goes.
Ivy: One… Two… Three… Lifts him up.
Clive & Darrel: Lift as well.
Dee: Just a spectator.
Thanasi: Spectating too 'cause she's not a fine young man.
Dee: Offers Thanasi a cigarette though.
Thanasi: Shakes her head, 'no' looking worried.
Dee: Shrugs and lights it up for herself.
Ivy: Do your best to walk in time with me… Minimal jostling, please. Begins to walk.
Clive & Darrel: Do as they're told and follow.

Ivy: Hopefully gets Feemy to the inn and to a bed in one piece.
Clive & Darrel: No goof-ups here.
Ivy: In which case, puts ice on Feemy's ribs and has him take some pain killers.
Feemy: Excellent reprieve!
Ivy: …There's not much to do about the ribs, except wait for them to heal and try to prevent pain in the area. Your horn… Well… I've never had a patient with such a problem.
Feemy: Didn't think it'd hurt… Wanted to cut them off a long time ago.
Ivy: …Do you think it'd grow back?
Feemy: I hoped not.
Ivy: Well… that's going to make your head a bit heavy on one side.
Feemy: Painkillers are the best invention made. Mm-hm…
Ivy: Maybe we should wait on that… Gentlemen… You may go on about your business. Now you know why you shouldn't roughhouse. Someone always gets hurt. It could be you next time. Take that into consideration. Good night.
Darrel: 'Course. Take care of Feemz.
Clive: Yeah. Feemz. Stares right into his eyes.
Feemy: Hmm?
Clive: Remember what I said before.
Feemy: …I know… See you at practice…
Ivy: Good night. Leave your threats until a better time, please.
Clive: It wasn't a threat. Throws his arms up a bit. Feemz knows what I mean. Bye.
Ivy: Mm. Watches as they all clear out. How are you feeling, Feemy?
Feemy: Better… Just from the painkillers though…
Ivy: I'll give you a prescription for them… One moment… Leaves and reenters with a very pale and thin Renasi with three blankets around him.
Feemy: Smiles groggily at the sight. Ren!
Renasi: Smiles back weakly and sits on the bed. Feemy… What happened to you?
Feemy: I… fell off the stage.
Renasi: Stares. How did you do that?
Feemy: …I haven't been sleeping a lot… so… I just kind of miss-stepped… I'm so glad to see you, Ren.
Renasi: I'm sorry I was gone, Feemy…
Feemy: It's okay… I sent you back so you could get better…
Renasi: It just hurt you by the looks of it.
Feemy: I can take it, Ren… It would be just until the tour is over… next month.
Renasi: You obviously can't. This isn't working out.
Feemy: …Ren.
Renasi: We can't have me being sick and then me going home and then that making you sick or whatever.
Feemy: I was just worried about you… You looked so frail when I sent you off…
Renasi: I'm still alive.
Feemy: I know… and I'm happy to see you…
Renasi: One of us is going to have to have some balls here.
Feemy: …What do you mean?
Renasi: We need to work something out. I can't handle all this traveling and craziness and Clive. You can't handle me not being around. I can't handle not being around you.
Feemy: …I'll quit the band, Ren. It's not worth it… I think I already did, really… Frowns. …Ren… I'm sorry.
Renasi: Why did you quit?
Feemy: I just got fed up with it… with the practices, with Clive… with everything. I love making music.. I'm a musician… but there has to be a line and he crossed it so many times.
Renasi: You shouldn't do it if it's taking the fun out of it… You won't be your best if you're not enjoying it…
Feemy: …Ren… Sighs. …Clive tackled me off stage when I said I quit… That's why I'm here… and that's also why I'm not going back.
Renasi: Shakes his head. …That's okay. You don't have to… You don't have to take all that abuse from him… Just… start your own band…
Feemy: Nods a little bit, but winces and holds his head. …I can try… but… no.
Renasi: What? Clive's just holding you back.
Feemy: It's not that… Music… or you… Life is giving me these options, Ren… and I'm choosing you… Touring isn't good for you… We tried that…
Renasi: I don't want to hold you back either, Feemy… It's not fair… I-I-I… don't even do anything.
Feemy: You don't hold me back, Ren… I think this has made it obvious that I need you…
Renasi: Can't really argue with a broken horn.
Feemy: Touches the broken horn gingerly. Never thought he'd miss it so much.
Renasi: …It's not like you have to choose between music and me… Just… I don't know.
Feemy: I know… but… it's either you or the 'ghosts… and… you win, Ren. No contest…
Renasi: Nods.
Feemy: …I should send my parents a letter telling them not to go to that concert then.
Renasi: …I'm so sorry, Feemy… I know how much you were looking forward to that.
Feemy: It's alright…
Renasi: It's just not worth it… It's not worth that kind of verbal abuse from Clive and… this… and all the mental agony…
Feemy: I know… This is going to sound strange… but… don't hold this against him too much…
Renasi: And why not? He just uses you or anyone else who lets him as punching bag. He thrives on that. If there was no one around for him to do that to, he wouldn't be anything but pathetic and maybe he'd realize that for once.
Feemy: I know… and I feel sorry for him…
Renasi: Why?
Feemy: He gave up everything for music… Like an idiot. He's doing what he loves… but… he's angry because he gave up everything for it… so he hates it too, I think.
Renasi: Nods and strokes Feemy's hair with a trembling hand. You don't want to be like that…
Feemy: I don't… I wouldn't give up my love for my music…
Renasi: Eyes widen a bit. …You think you'll hate me if I make you give up on your music?
Feemy: Not ever, Ren. I'd even give up on breathing happily for you.
Renasi: Well… I wouldn't do that… or make you give up on your music… You shouldn't give up on it… You should just give up on this band and Clive. He made his choice, it turned him bitter and ugly. You don't have to go down the same path as him.
Feemy: I'm not going to… I have someone to keep me from going down that path. Groggily reaches out for Ren.
Renasi: Takes his hand. …Get some rest, Love.
Feemy: I will… You too, though.
Renasi: I will and I'll be here in the morning. Gives him a kiss on the forehead.
Feemy: That's more than I could ask for… I'm so glad you're here.
Renasi: Glad to be here. Begins singing part of The Ballad to him.
Feemy: Closes his eyes when he hears it.
Renasi: Smiles. Keeps singing, stroking his hair.
Feemy: Smiles. …Beautiful as always. Spoken quietly, so as not to interrupt the singing too much.
Door: Knocking.
Ivy: Goes to get the door. Sees Clive and lets him in.
Renasi: Back to the door, so doesn't notice and continues the song.
Clive: Just waits.
Feemy: Eyes closed. Doesn't notice either.
Renasi: Continues stroking his hair… Trying to match how he did it that night years ago, letting his voice drift away as softly as it had come.
Feemy: It sounds just as it had all those years ago, at least to his ears it does.
Clive: He is pretty good.
Renasi: Smiles down at his fiance. I love you…
Feemy: I love you too…
Renasi: Good night… Stands up, with Ivy ready to assist him.
Clive: Don't mind me.
Renasi: Does see him as he turns and frowns.
Clive: Doesn't have the usual smirk or scowl on his face. Looks strangely blank.
Renasi: Get out of here, you bastard! Ivy hold him back from… well, toppling over… but was trying to punch him.
Clive: Let him go. He can hit me if he wants.
Ivy: I don't think he could… so let's do us all a favor.
Clive: Fine. I have to talk to Feemz anyhow.
Renasi: H-How dare you? Struggles.
Feemy: Opens his eyes. Oh, he really is here.
Ivy: Picks the struggling Ren up and carts him off.
Clive: So. Feelin' about as low as a snake's balls right now.
Feemy: You did hospitalize me.
Clive: Sorry about that.
Feemy: That makes it all better.
Clive: I know it doesn't. Leans against the wall and crosses his arms.
Feemy: …Could you tell me what you want? My head hurts and I want to go to sleep.
Clive: You to rejoin the band.
Feemy: No.
Clive: Just like that? You're going to give it all up?
Feemy: Yes.
Clive: You know that you're screwin' Darrel and Dee over too.
Feemy: Yes.
Clive: …And you don't think that's selfish at all?
Feemy: Probably is. They should quit too.
Clive: Nice. You know we busted our asses off for years for this concert and now you're throwing it away.
Feemy: I know. If that's all you're going to talk about, you can go. I'm not changing my mind.
Clive: Whatever. I'm comin' back tomorrow, when you're not so doped up. You'll be in your right mind then and realize how fucked up what you're saying is.
Feemy: Night… Mustardseed.
Clive: Don't you ever fucking call me that again!
Feemy: …Just think on it. Closes his eyes.
Clive: Has a strange thought. Feemz. Wake up.
Feemy: Mm… Whaaat? Not rejoining the band…
Clive: Yes you are.
Feemy: …Or you'll do what? Hit me again? Not much of a target.
Clive: I guarantee that you'll rejoin.
Feemy: I'm not going to re-
Clive: As the singer. Music isn't doin' it. I mean, fuck man, I've been at this shit for years, and I'm not even happy.
Feemy: You just now know that?
Clive: I always knew… I heard your guy singin' to you, ya know?
Ivy: …Pardon the intrusion…
Clive: What? Oh… yeah. Don't mind me.
Ivy: Feemy won't be up for singing for another two months or so, I'd say. Deep breathing with broken ribs is a no-no.
Clive: I thought only his horn broke.
Ivy: He has three broken ribs…
Clive: Oh.
Feemy: Figured we'd surprise you.
Clive: Look, all I'm saying is that I'm out. Not tryin' to wreck the band, but I'm out. When you're better, you can have it. I don't care what you do with it, but I'm through.
Feemy: But you love music.
Clive: Music took everything from me, you know that.
Feemy: No. You gave music everything you had. You gave it until you had nothing left to give and only music to turn to for everything. Doesn't feel too good, does it?
Clive: …Watch it.
Feemy: Stop threatening me already… You should just sort your life out. Sounds sorry for him, which probably just makes it worse. …Can I please go to sleep now?
Clive: Yeah, Feemz… uh… here. Hands over the horn. That's yours. Just a request. If you do take over the band, like I'm offerin', don't rename it something shitty.
Feemy: I won't… Closes his eyes. …Ivy?
Ivy: Shall I escort him out?
Feemy: …Please… and if he tries to come back before eight hours, break his kneecaps… The last part being said jokingly, of course. Mostly. Really does want sleep.
Ivy: Can do. Takes Clive's arm.
Clive: Yanks at his arm. I can lead myself out, thanks.
Ivy: Humans are so rude.
Clive: Yeah, yeah. Walks out the door.
Ivy: Good night, Sir.
Clive: 'Night.
Ivy: Good night, Feemy.
Feemy: Good night Ivy… It's good to see you too.
Ivy: Just leaves, turning out the lights.
Feemy: To slumber-land he goes.